Wednesday 25 February 2009

Sticky toffee

Quiet as the tomb here at the barn tonight, except for occasional blood-curdling screams from rabbits being eaten by foxes and the sound of my tooth enamel dissolving after an onslaught of treacle toffees.

I saw this advertisement poster at London Bridge Station today, and it really made me laugh. Hugh Grant's never going to be allowed to forget that night is he? I make no apologies for the photo being wonky either.


  1. Aww, poor Hugh, lol

  2. The English can be cruel. Pity poor Hugh, he says with a chuckle.

  3. i wish that people would leave this poor guy alone and stop putting useless stuff on billboards etc when already he has apologised for his pathetic behaviour. i reckon he did it because his relationship with hurley was already on the rocks anyway and she wasn't innocent either, she cheated on him many more times than the number of hot meals he's had i bet.
