Monday 27 April 2009

Of kicking cats and Mondays

Just another day of kicking cats* and chasing vapour.
Of listening to egos clash and empty platitudes placed like bandages.
Of digging nails into palms beneath the desk top and trying not to yawn.
Of watching rain roll down the windows and the drip drip drip of seconds falling from the clock.
Of drinking institutional coffee and dunking soft stale biscuits.
Of eating floppy sandwiches and wishing it was steak.
Of hearing the nervous tic of unnecessary throat clearing from the office next to mine.

Of recognising stress in another but not knowing what to say.
Or how to say it.
Or if.
Of wishing that I could tell her it’s only work.
Of telling her that other things matter more than what others think.

Of understanding that's something you have to work out for yourself.
Of folding and unfolding an umbrella and walking in puddles.
Of wearing purple high heeled shoes and matching lilac sweater.
Of spotting two unmet colleagues and guessing they were my 2 o’clock.
Of remembering their names.
Of finding them both charming and both aged 51.
Of one of them not looking it.
Of driving through the driving rain to bring me home.
Of finding the dog waiting in a patient ball behind the door.
Of changing into a green sweatshirt and soft warm socks.
Of feeling glad that work day Monday’s over.
Of being happy just being.
Of knowing I am very lucky.

* no animals were harmed in the making of this blog


  1. Hi Katy :) I love this post. It's perfect...That's all, just perfect!
    I love the way you express yourself :)
    The picture is perfect too :)
    Have a Happy Day!

  2. To be lucky and unlucky at once. The paradox of life, I think, Katy. That has been the story of my recent life. Perhaps it is the story for most of us most of the time.

    Everything is fine as long as a person recognizes it and is able to handle it.

    Sort of a free verse style today, too.

  3. Hi Kelly, and thank you for your very kind words - I'm glad you liked the post! And the picture too of course :-) Not that I can imagine Kaos cuddling up to a cat like that, but you never know...

    Hoping you have a great day too :-)

  4. Any glancing resemblance to verse is entirely accidental, Fram, but thank you anyway. ;-)

    Yes, you're right about the paradox of life there - mine too, absolutely. But I do feel very sorry for this woman. I think stress has crept up on her and she doesn't know it yet.

  5. Great posting.

    Now I remember why I'm self-employed!


  6. Many thanks for your very kind words Rod. Glad you liked the post :-)

    Yes, I was self-employed too until last year - it's the only thing that really suits me work-wise. I've been back in the *normal* workplace since September (a very tough decision to make, a necessary one at the time) but will return again to working for myself when I can.

    It is all quite interesting to observe after being away from it for a while though...
